Who Should Use Mango Butter for Beauty Care?
Begin by knowing your skin. What type of skin do you have? Mango butter is generally non-comedogenic which means it won’t block your pores and generally can be used by all skin types. Mango butter is considered to be non-irritating to your skin, even if yours is sensitive. However, there is one exception. If you have acne prone skin, it is not recommended for your face.
For sensitive skin and those with skin conditions, mango butter provides moisture and nourishment to skin that is dry, itchy, or inflamed. Mango butter is hydrating, anti-inflammatory, protective, soothing, and healing. Because it’s so moisturizing, many people use it for skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and other dry skin conditions. With regular use, it shows a noticeable improvement, soothes the skin, and reduces redness and itching.
For oily skin, you can use it in lesser quantities. Oily skin will benefit from the additional properties that mango butter provides.
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